Fourteen Years Strong

Fourteen years ago, Yoga Mala opened its doors for the first time….. The Wascana lake was being dredged, there were torrential rains…… my Mini Cooper literally drowned in a puddle on the way to the studio in the first week open, leaving me without a vehicle. One of my first students, Annette, kindly offered to drive me home one night, after a long day waiting for new students to sign up (I opened with no students and only one teacher - me). I would mop the floors in between classes…. it was common to have only one student in each class. Those students are still practicing at Yoga Mala today, and are now dear friends.
As a young mom, I thought opening a yoga studio would fit well with my kiddos schedules. I thought I could mostly teach while they were in school, and be home with them evenings and weekends. WOW was I wrong. It very quickly became apparent that I would be working EVERY evening and weekend…… forever. Many students can still remember my young boys coming to work with me, playing on the floor while I was teaching class….. I would be calmly calling out “inhale exhale” as I tried to prevent one of my sons from strangling the other with a yoga strap, using only sign language, and eye contact to parent them from across the room. Those were the days!
Fast forward to today
Yoga Mala is preparing for the best year ever! Some of you have noticed the exciting new things going on this summer, laying the groundwork for lots of new stuff coming your way!
We have successfully transitioned to paperless!!! Students have adapted well to the new process of online sign ups and ipad check-ins, Hooray! We will be continuing with this paper free environment this fall and couldn’t be happier about it.
New sound systems have been installed in two of our studio spaces, providing awesome quality music for all of our soul based classes!
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is open for registration! Our transformative 200hr Yoga Alliance certified program is a life changer. The part time program starts Friday Sept 20th! We are offering a special gift this year, use promo code EMMAYOGA to save $400 off tuition!
OPEN HOUSE: Saturday September 21, 10am-2pm. We will be celebrating our 14th anniversary with an open house! Stay tuned for the details! There will be a couple of free beginner yoga classes, and of course a membership sale We can’t wait to see you and your friends there!
We are launching a NEW CLASS this fall!!!! SOUL SHIFTER
SOUL SHIFTER is a dynamic movement class designed to clear out stagnant energy!! The first class will be scheduled Sunday September 22 at 12:30pm and I am so excited to teach this powerful class! Sign up and get shifted!
New Sessions! We have three amazing new sessions starting this fall. Be sure to check these out!
1) Feldenkrais® Method -- Awareness Through Movement® for Yoga with Johanna
Thursdays in September. If you want to re-invigorate and re-charge your Yoga practice with curiosity and self-care these classes are for you! Click here to sign up.
2)Prenatal with Jess
Saturdays in October. A great place to connect with new moms-to-be. Save your spot today!
3)Mom & Me with Kate
Saturdays, Oct 19 - Nov 30. Sign up through Girls in the Game.
More exciting developments will be unfolding soon! See you on the mat!
With Love,
Emma & the Yoga Mala Family